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About Croquet

Golf Croquet – is played by two sides each with two balls.  All players try in successive turns to run hoop 1. As soon as any player completes the running of hoop 1, then the hoop point is scored for that side. All players then move on to contest hoop 2, and so on around the court.  The side that scores the most hoops wins the game.

Association Croquet – can be played as singles or doubles. The aim is to score more hoops than the other side by ‘running’ their balls through each hoop in sequence.  Unlike Golf croquet each side must ‘run’ a hoop before moving on to the next hoop.

Each side takes turns to play; a turn consists initially of one stroke only, but further strokes can be earned in two ways:

  • If the player’s ball runs a hoop, they are entitled to another stroke
  • If the player’s ball hits another ball (this is called a ‘roquet’), they place their own ball in contact with the struck ball before hitting their ball again (this causes both balls to move and is called a ‘croquet’). After this the player is entitled to one further stroke.

The winner is the side with the highest number of hoops scored within a set time (e.g. 2 hours) or fully completes the course with both balls.

We play social games every Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Members can also arrange to play at other times throughout the week.

About Croquet FAQ Victoria

Beginners Guide to Association Croquet

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the club? 

The Club has 3 lawns located at 6 Bleazby Ave, Brighton, just off Male St.


Do I need my own mallet?

We have a range of mallets for use by players.  Many members progress to buying their own mallets when they feel the time is right.


Do you cater for beginners?

Absolutely. We provide introductory instruction and include new players in games, with assistance from our more experienced members.  We offer 5 introductory sessions, only charging the green fee. Ongoing coaching is also available.


How do I book a game?

We do not have a formal booking system. Social Association croquet games are played Thursdays and Saturdays at 10am. Social Golf croquet games are played Wednesdays at 10am and Sundays at 1:15pm. Please arrive at least 10 minutes prior and you will get a game – but don’t be late!  Members can also organise their own games at other times.


How long is a game?

A Golf Croquet game takes approximately 40 – 50 minutes, and multiple games are played during a session. An Association Croquet game generally lasts 2 – 2¼  hours, though it can be shorter as agreed by the players.


How much does it cost?

Introductory / Interim Membership is $100 for 3  months, plus green fees.

Full Annual Membership (July 1st – June 30th 2025) is $571.00, which includes player insurance and affiliation fees.
Green fees are $10 per visit, or alternatively members can pay an annual green fee of $400.

Social Membership is $100 per the year.
Pro-rata subscriptions are available for joining mid-year.
Prospective members can take advantage of 5 free visits (paying only green fees) before deciding whether to join the Club.

Still Have Questions?

If you can’t find an answer to your question in the FAQ’s above, you can always contact us and we’ll respond asap.

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