Hi All, Committee has just met and discussed various items such as Insurance renewal,…
Club Newsletter February 2024
Club Newsletter February 2024
VCC options paper
An options paper was attached to the Club newsletter email concerning the future of the Croquet Centre at Cairnlea. Some notes, taken during a recent VCA zoom meeting, were also attached. The meeting was held to inform members about the proposed options, on which the VCA is seeking feedback.
Please take the opportunity to read the options paper and notes as the BCC Committee would appreciate members input.
- We are seeking views from all club members to take to the Region meeting where the 5 clubs of the region will need to come to a consensus.
- Please respond by March 17th
Bunnings sausage sizzle March 9th
Thank you to so many members for adding their names to the roster. There are still a few spots, please see if you can help.
U3A social event at Brighton Croquet Club Friday 15th March, 4:30pm
Please consider assisting at this event- sign up at club. This is intended to entice more people to play croquet and to increase out club membership.
Drains and carpet
Michael Love, Simon Watkins and Robin Russell have achieved a great job replacing the stormwater drains and leaving a tidy club. Committee thanks them on behalf of the members.
We hope to have the carpet addressed and will set-up the room as soon as possible.
Phillip Island success
A contingent of Association players spent a few days on Phillip Island participating in the local tournament. Brighton did well – winning all 3 sections. Congratulations to Simon, Bill Marks and Paul Tilley
Heat protocols
A reminder that on hot days play will be moved to an hour earlier start. Part of club protocol-:
- Heat -Hydrate well prior to, and during play; hats, sunscreen and appropriate clothing are recommended.
- Heat- On days exceeding 30°, players should consider their need to play.
- Heat- when heat is predicted to exceed 35° play will start at 9AM and cease at Midday- no afternoon play
- Wind- no play if danger to players (falling branches)
- Torrential rain/hail/flooding- suspend play.
- Thunderstorms- suspend play if lightning and thunder are 30 seconds or less apart and play not resumed until 30 minutes have elapsed since the interval was more than 30 seconds.
Marguerite Russell
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