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Club Newsletter 2023 Jun


We now have a Brighton Croquet Club website up and running. The picture is a screen shot of the homepage.   The address is:

Many thanks to Pam White for doing most of the work in getting this up and going.

The web site has info on playing days and times, clubhouse hiring, a bit of club history, and much more. There is also a Members only section, which is password protected – the password is “brighton2023” (without the quotes). Here there are old newsletters, club forms and the club Constitution and By Laws.

Other pages, after the Home page, are accessed by clicking on the three lines in the upper right hand corner, which should bring up a list of options.  We envisage his being a major medium of communication, both with members and the rest of the world who may be interested, even attracted.

Annual General Meeting and Members’ Meeting

The club AGM will be held on Sunday 2 July at 12 noon, at the clubhouse.

The current Committee’s term expires at the club AGM. If you have an interest in contributing to the running of the club in this way, do consider nominating. Nomination forms are available from the website or in the clubhouse and must be received at least seven days before the AGM.  Please feel welcome to discuss any position with me, or another Committee member, if you would like to.

After the formalities of the AGM there will be a Members’ Meeting, to discuss any matters raised. Please provide notice of anything you would like to raise or discuss on the notice on the clubhouse noticeboard.

By Laws updated

The club By Laws have been reviewed and in places rewritten by the Committee. No major changes but a lot of tidying up and bringing up to date. The new By Laws can be read, and downloaded if desired, on the club website.

Competition results

Congratulations to our Pennant team, Division 3.  The team of Julie Love, Bill Marks and Paul Tilley won its competition.

In the club championships, Division 3 was won by Julie Love, runner up Bill Marks, and Division 4 won by Marguerite Russell, runner up Veronica Tilley. Again, our congratulations.

Second colours on pegs

A member has requested that second colours be painted on pegs to assist beginners in golf croquet. This was agreed to by the Committee at it’s last meeting.


We have provided feedback to Matt Duff – our green keeper – that we are happy with the job he is doing for us.  His plan is to scarify and top dress the lawns in November (they should only be out of action for a couple of days).

Matt has suggested that we consider planting Santa Ana grass, as is currently on lawn 2, on lawns 1 and 3 also, as it is more resilient and drought resistant. The Committee is investigating the cost of this. It is also checking out the sprinkler system to consider the costs of fixing issues and recurrent inadequacies of the current system

This will be my last newsletter as I step down from the Presidency at the AGM (and head off to France to escape the Melbourne cold for a bit).

May all your hoops run cleanly.

Clive Morley, Club President

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