Hi All, Committee has just met and discussed various items such as Insurance renewal,…
Club Newsletter 2023 Mar
Working Bee
A reminder that the next working bee is nigh. Monday 20 March, starting from 10 am for those who can
make it. A priority for this day is painting things white – seats, boards, etc.
Also extra security lights to be installed. We would like to set up some way of locking the new outdoor
benches in the undercover verandah too.
Meet the neighbours
We propose to have an afternoon tea to meet and greet our neighbours on Saturday 25 March from 2 pm.
Hope a few of you can stay on or come along, to help foster good relations with our neighbours.
The clubhouse defibrillator has been fitted with new battery and pads. Thanks to Paul Butler for doing this.
Weekly mowing continues. Fertiliser and herbicides have been applied, as needed. The roots from the
street trees on lawn 3 have been tackled, and the Council told that their trees are causing problems
(again). We await their response promised.
The sprinkler system has been playing up (not working at times). Especially affecting lawn 1. Repairs have
been done, and a quote for replacement of solenoids requested.
Sausage sizzle
Our next fundraising effort is a sausage sizzle again at Bunnings on Easter Saturday (8 April). If you can
help with a two hour slot, please put your name down on the roster on the notice board.
Clive Morley, Club President
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