Hi All, Committee has just met and discussed various items such as Insurance renewal,…
Club Newsletter August 2024
Hi All,
Today the newly formed committee met for the first time and rather efficiently dealt with business!
Thank you everyone who has renewed their subscription this year.
Golf Croquet communication
Golf Croquet players had agreed a communication strategy that is acceptable to all players and that the system and communication must be inclusive to ensure all players are involved and contacted.
Contacts will be set up in WhatsApp that will provide for:
- The scheduling of games across a playing day; and
- Allow members to arrange play outside scheduled playing days.
- Advise everyone of potential to get together to discuss new initiatives.
New hoop holes will be measured out and recut on Monday 19th /Tuesday 20th
Please be very careful with correct hoop placement to ensure the holes are not stretched.
Mowing will take place at lunch time on Thursday 28th July and Thursday 5th September prior to the Association Tournament ( 29th July – 1st September and 6th – 8th September)
Lawn refurbishment will be after October 12th.
Anybody who can help over the tournament days? The odd hour would help!
- Baking or donation cakes/biscuits
- Lawn preparation and clearing at end of day
- Club house and kitchen duties- mainly tea and coffee and also sandwiches for referees
Contact Julie Love 0414278844 or Marguerite Russell 041987417
Seniors day
An event is planned to attract new members
Put October 12th – afternoon in your dairies please
More details closer the date
Governing Body VCA
VCA invites interested members to assist with a review of the constitution and also volunteers to assist with the development of a set of measurable parameters to assess the ongoing viability of VCC/Cairnlea
The region is collecting thoughts on what a contemporary constitution should address to ensure that members rights are protected.
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