Hi All, Committee has just met and discussed various items such as Insurance renewal,…
Club Newsletter Oct 2023
Club news October 6th
Lawn renovation
As part of the annual lawn maintenance programme, scarification and top dressing of all 3 lawns will take place on Tuesday 10th October. The lawns will be playable on the days following, however they will be very sandy!
Helpers needed
We have a few events coming up and need a few helpers. Notices have gone up at the club and if you can spare a little time please put your names down or let us know by email/phone.
Friday 20th October- Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings
Saturday 21st October- 130-4- open day and afternoon tea for Seniors day . A fun afternoon with golf style croquet . Offers of assistance with baking appreciated .
Monday 23rd October- We are hosting Elwood club at Brighton from 945 am. A mix of games can be played -golf/association. Elwood also play Ricochet ( same lawns, balls, hoops etc but a slightly different form of the game) They have offered to show us the game. We will provide morning/afternoon tea. Let us know if interested
Golf players
Committee is seeking any interest in possible future Golf training ( Croquet Victoria occasionally makes these sessions available at no cost, run by the top State players). If there is interest the club can apply for courses to be run at the club.
Association Players
Notice of the Pinner Cup ( Hi /low Doubles- handicapped), Biddy Dodd ( Div 2 and 3 advanced handicap) and Howath Shield- ( Division 4 handicap). Look out for dates and sign up sheets.
Last but not least- End of year gathering for all members-
Date for your diary- Sunday 3rd December 1230 – more details will follow.
Regards, Marguerite
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