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Club Newsletter Nov 2023

Club Newsletter for Nov 2023

Stop Press !!   Elwood correction

I apologise for incorrect information regarding this invitation  from The Elwood Croquet Club.   We are invited for lunch and Ricochet on Monday 20th  November at 1200 .  Cost is $10 per head.

A lunch will be provided followed by an explanation and  demo of Ricochet. We will then be invited to play with the Elwood members finishing by 3pm.    Please RSVP  on the  Flyer at the club or to the club email by 12th November.


Fancy a little bit of extra cash before Christmas?   The club is holding a  Christmas Raffle – tickets are $20 each and only 50 will be printed.

The draw will take place at the end of year lunch on  Sunday December 3rd

The  prize is 50% of the sales ( up to $500). Get your ticket from a Committee Member- we think they will sell fast!    Profit will go to the club.

End of year party –  Sunday December 3rd at 12:30

The trial of a Friday Bunning Sausage sizzle raised over $700 profit. Thanks everybody for their help.  Part of this profit will fund the main course for  Xmas lunch for our members.  We invite members and their partners to come along- bring some nibbles or something sweet to share. A flyer will go up at the club for RSVPs – so keep your eyes peeled.

Working Bee

Put this date in your diary – Wednesday 29th November 1230

Bring your lunch and old clothes. Some of the jobs include weeding flower beds and painting the benches.

Croquet business

The lawns are beginning to settle after the refurbishment – we hope you are enjoying playing on them.

There has been lots of competitive play in Association:

The Howath Shield ( Div 4) has finished with Clive Morley being the winner – well done Clive.

The Biddy Dodd ( Div 2 and 3) is still in play.

The Pinner cup ( Hi/lo doubles) will commence on 11th November

Spring Pennant   ( Div 3 and 4) has a few weeks to run.

Club Web Site and Facebook

We are seeing more traffic through these sites promoting the club.   Have a look- and don’t forget to “like”

Regards, Marguerite

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