BCC Newsletter from Committee 2nd May 2024 Hi everyone, hope you are all enjoying your croquet…
Club Newsletter December 2024
Club Newsletter December 2024
Seasons greetings from the committee to all of our members. Have a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
The club end of year get together on Friday afternoon/evening was great fun. We shared a banquet provided by members and enjoyed a quick tournament of “Snake in the Grass “, for fun. Hope to repeat events like this with more notice of dates so that you can be sure to get it into your diaries- not to be missed!
World Golf Croquet Championships take place in Tasmania in February. Brighton has been asked and has excepted a training tournament by international players as a warm up. It’s a wonderful opportunity to watch top players. They will use the lawns on 11th,12th and 13th February. More info when we have it finalised.
Volunteers needed
Still calling for helpers for the 2 corporate events on Thursday 12th and Saturday 14th. These are large groups and will help build our contingency funds and purchase new equipment.
Helpers will be needed to show the guests around the lawn and how to hold the mallet ( and maybe some tactics!) they will be playing the very simple game of Snake in the Grass. Once all players have had one turn the number of helpers reduces.
We also have a Bunnings sausage sizzle on Saturday 28th watch out for the sign up at the club or give Julie a ring on 0414278844.
Other helpers are needed to assist with Line marking. Training is available to interested members. It would be great to get several members familiar with the system which would mean that it didn’t fall to the same person all the time- a roster would be helpful, and this does not need to be done every week- depends on growth and rain. Please speak to Julie or myself to see how you might contribute. Both Julie and I have managed successfully so it doesn’t need a degree( Thank goodness).
Would any member like to assist as Events coordinator. The role mainly consists of:-
- Maintain Diary of events
- Provide point of contact for queries/EOI by email or phone
- Liaise with booking contacts
- Arrange for booking fee to be sent
- Clarify dates , times and numbers and contact details( NB this info needs revision)
- Post notice to request volunteers to coordinate and support players
- Ensure invoice sent out
Child safety
We are required to update our child safety Policy and practices. Paul Butler has taken on the role of the club child safety officer and will soon be publishing some guidance material and information sessions.
A reminder to all members that the bins need to be out on Sunday. At the moment the green bins are quite full so please put them all out.
Merry Christmas
Marguerite Russell
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