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Club Newsletter 2023 September

Newsletter to members September 10th 2023


Bunnings sausage sizzle

We have decided to try an extra sausage sizzle at Bunnings on a Friday. The day is not so busy and takings won’t be as much as on Saturday. Julie and Michael Love have again generously offered to organise this. Some helpers will be needed- if you have a  couple of hours let us know.  The date is  Friday October 20th


Open day for Seniors’ festival – Saturday 21st October

The club will hold an open day/come and try opportunity from 1-30-4 PM. Put the date in your diary and come and help us have a fun session with the intent of attracting some new members. We are offering afternoon tea and a casual round of croquet. If you know anyone who would like to have a try- spread the word!

Volunteers to assist can sign up at the club or email us.


Club Maintenance

  • The gas hot water system in the kitchen has been fixed
  • 3 sprinkler heads have been replaced and the system adjusted to ensure good water coverage of the lawns.



The lawns will be scarified and top dressed on Tuesday 10th October. The lawns will be sandy and best rested for a few days.



Classes are starting on Wednesday 4th October @1pm and Thursday 5th October @430pm



The annual Open Association Croquet tournament is now complete. 24 competed in 4 divisions with 2 winners from Brighton. Veronica Tilley won division 4 and Simon Watkins  division 1. Doug Neale from MCC won division 2 and Minn Stewart from Elsternwick won division 3.  Congratulations to all entrants. Thanks to all helpers- setting hoops, and preparing lawns, refereeing, catering and washing up and general support. General feedback is quite positive.



Many members enjoyed a social lunch at the club to celebrate the commencement of the 23-24 season.

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