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Club Newsletter December 2023

Club Newsletter for Dec 2023

News from Committee

 Christmas party

It was great to see so many members and partners at the end of year lunch. We all enjoyed Quiches , chicken and salads provided out of club funds and also a fabulous array of deserts brought along by members. Thank you to the organising committee Di, Pam, Julie and Veronica.

Helen Walker was the winner of the $500 raffle prize- enjoy  it Helen!

Working bee

Thanks to everyone who was able to assist with the list of jobs for the working bee- everything ticked off for now.

Twilight sessions

During Daylight saving and hopefully some pleasant afternoons, we have scheduled several late afternoon get togethers. Starting about 4 pm- come along for some croquet, BYO drinks and nibbles to share on the following dates:-

Friday 12th Jan

Tuesday 23rd Jan

Friday 16th Feb

More dates will be scheduled for Feb and March

Trading table

We have a small trading table up and running again. Please bring along items you think may be of interest to other members. Prices will be kept low as we would like a quick turnover.

If you item doesn’t sell we would appreciate you repurposing it.

Jams and pickles have always been popular

Members meeting – Diary date

A members meeting is planned for Sun 11th February at 1200

Members are invited to raise issues for discussion- paper work and notices will be posted at club 2 weeks prior

Building at 3 Bleazby  Ave

As previously noted- building works have commenced opposite the club.

We have had discussion with the builders and asked for better communication regarding street access. We have also asked for consideration of access for members on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Facebook and Club web site

These are both up and running now- we are seeing  increased interest and contact with the club.

Facebook has lots of photos and events- have a look and don’t forget to “like” us .This can be used to demonstrate media usage when applying for grants etc. The website has lots of useful information for members and potential members.

The Committee wishes all members a happy and safe holiday this Christmas and we look forward to plenty of croquet in 2024

Marguerite Russell


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