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Club Newsletter 2023 April

No pressure.


A big “thank you” to all who have helped out at the club this last month. Particularly with the working bee,
which got a lot of jobs done, and the Easter Bunnings sausage sizzle (which raised over $2000 profit for
the club coffers). Also with our meet the neighbours afternoon tea, which went well.

Solar powered security lights have been installed by Terry and a lot of maintenance done around the
clubhouse, including rotting boards around the base replaced, painting completed and the verandah
pressure hosed to remove dirt and paint stains, especially by Michael Love, handyman supreme.

Weekly mowing continues. Council workmen have attended to cut roots coming from the street trees into
lawn 3.

Club championships
Club championship games start on Thursday 20 April and continue on Thursday mornings subsequent.
Association Divisions 3 and 4 being played.

There were insufficient entries for other championships. Alternatives are being investigated by the Committee.

Novice Association competition
Following up on the two day coaching sessions for novice Association players, a competition for those who
attended is tentatively scheduled for Monday 1 May. At Brighton CC. Further advice will follow.

Annual General Meeting
Advance notice that the club AGM will be held on Sunday 2 July at 12 noon.
Followed by lunch (bring a plate) and/or Golf Croquet play.
Please consider standing for club office or committee.

Heritage Challenge
Congratulations to the Brighton team that won this competition, between us, Frankston and Sorrento.
As Lesley keeps extorting us, “Make lots of hoops”!

Clive Morley, Club President

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